Located in the foothills of Lautoka and with a sister company in Auckland New Zealand, Produce Merchant is a consistent supplier of high quality fresh produce. With over 25 years of servicing the indo Fijian markets in Auckland, Produce Merchant has developed a tight supply chain that delivers on the freshest fruits and vegetables to provide a ‘taste of home’.

Location: Naikabula Rd. Lautoka.

Type of business: Exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables

Number of employees: 15 staff – 3 men and 12 women

Contact person: Jyoti Kumar – Director.

Mb: +679 9237623

Email: ‘jotikumar84@gmail.com’

Number of years in operation: 18

Products handled: Eggplant, cowpea, bean, duruka, chili, drumstick, various leaves and coconuts.